Monday, September 1, 2008

A weekend to ourselves!

So as some of you may know, there really hasn't been a weekend (an entire weekend) since we have moved into the house, that we have been able to enjoy by ourselves. Don't get me wrong, I'm not anti-social, but when some people think they have to come over EVERY weekend, it starts to wear on ya'. (that's a whole other rant) Granted Billy had to work late Friday and Saturday and I went shopping with Cara and Shannon on Saturday, it was still nice to be at home by ourselves at OUR house alll weekend without the rude interruption. Anywho, here are a few pictures. Enjoy =)

Here she is trying out the bubble machine for the wedding.

Just playing outside. She loves her wagon rides! Billy was pulling her through the sprinkler. She didn't like it at first.

Here she is with her buddies, Ella and Duke.

Here are some of the first "child". She loves the water! (if it's coming out of a hose or sprinkler)


Alicia said...

I wish Koda would play in the sprinkler. She loves water but is afraid of the hose. Go figure. I absolutely love the pictures of Avery in her Radio Flyer. I have to get Cohen one.

Alicia said...

P.S.- Congrats on the weekend alone! I know how crazy its been driving you!