Now that we got that out of the way, I’ll update with what we’ve been up to the past month. Billy was home for a month and has since gone back to Houston to work. =( We miss you Daddy!) We spent three of the four weekends in Texas. One weekend in Jasper for one of Billy’s friend’s wedding, one weekend in Arlington and Weatherford for Thanksgiving, and one weekend in Canton with Mother for shopping. So needless to say, it is nice to be home for a minute. I’ll spare details and post pictures. I do want to document a few conversations with Ave this past week.
Convo #1. I’m sitting at my sewing desk and Ave is laying in the floor quietly. Obviously thinking hard, judging from what she asks me. Ave: “Who made me?” Me: “What"?” Ave: “Did you sew me?” Me: “ummm, no, mommy didn’t sew you.” Ave: “Who makes me?” Me: “God made you. He made everybody” Ave: “But I didn’t die” Me: “No, you didn’t. but God made you and gave you to me” Ave: “ Ella’s in Heaven with Granny Lou. Granny Lou eats candy allll the time!” (she has a picture of her sitting with Granny Lou and they were eating candy. Anytime we talk about Granny Lou, she says this) End of that conversation.
Convo #2. We’re watching tv. Ave: “Mommy what do you want for Christmas?” Me: “A million dollars” long pause. Ave: “Santa doesn’t have dollars. He just has toys. Do you want a toy?” =)
Convo #3. Really just a statement from Ave. because I didn’t reply to her. because I was wondering why she doesn’t act like a three year old sometimes. Ave: “I don’t want anything from Santa. I’m gonna be mean tomorrow.” (for the record, she has been really nice today)
Prepare for Picture Overload.
Billy put a lift kit on his truck. I think the next step will be trading it in for a semi. =)
This is our house all decorated with lights. lights that work no longer than four hours and then blow a fuse. they are not on tonight.
This is not our house. But I love their lights every year! If you’re in the Kirby area, go down Camp Tula road. Ave said they were Amazing!
The one picture I took in Canton. I don’t recommend staying at the Silver Spur Inn on the Mountain. and if you’ve never been to Canton, TX to shop. Go. It’s an experience.
Part of our little Christmas tree. I miss my big one. (did I mention that Billy got me a new camera? I love it!)
Ave on Thanksgiving before the drive to Arlington.
Playing cards with Uncle Kevin. They look serious.
Hanging out with her cousins Marlee and Chasey.
Sarah and Cooper. Cutest boy ever!
Hrabal grandkids. i do love having my picture made whilst in pajamas.
Ave with cousins Austin and Brennan
Love her face in this one! With her cousin Peyton.
and last but not least, one of Marley Jane in her new favorite napping spot.
I have a ton more pictures but, I’ll spare you. Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! and hopefully I’ll post more this month =)
1 comment:
Loved all the pictures!!!
The husband's new truck, Conan, looks JUST.LIKE. Billy's. Minus the lift kit to Jupiter.
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