Saturday, January 1, 2011

Why not?

I’ve neglected this blog for long enough now. It’s January 1st, so what the hey, we’ll just start fresh! 2010 went by soooo fast! It has been so nice having Billy home for the past nine months, but he left today for a job in Corpus Christi. It’s going to take some getting used to his being gone again, but we can do it. I was crying after he left this morning and the sweetest little girl gave me a hug and said “you don’t have to cry mommy, he’s coming back one day”. She’s becoming such a little grown up these days! She just came to me and asked “ what do you want me to be when i grow up?” I said whatever you want. Her reply “ No you have to pick, a artist, a cheerweader, or a fashion show girl.” I picked artist and she decided on fashion show girl. So now, she’s going through all my fabric and pinning it together with clothes pins, making dresses =) I’m going to go play fashion show, so here are a few recent pics to enjoy








Tuesday, March 9, 2010

We’re still here!

So I didn’t really mean to disappear from the blog this year, it just kinda happened. But we’re still here! We haven’t been up to much, Billy has been home for the past few weeks and we’ve been just kinda soaking up our time with him. He left today to go back to Texas =( It always takes us a few days to adjust after he leaves. I guess we don’t really ever adjust though, we just miss him.  I rejoined the working world yesterday, so maybe that will help the time pass more quickly. Ave started back to her old daycare and is loving it! I may or may not have cried all the way to work yesterday and today after dropping her off. I don’t think any tears have been shed from her about it =). I really think I’ll like the job, at least I do so far. I stay busy so that makes the day pass quickly and everyone I work with seems great. I will miss staying home with Ave, especially since it seems that winter has apparently left the building. I start to work and the weather turns awesome! Go figure! But I think it will do us both good. I feel like she really needs the interaction with the other kids on a daily basis and maybe I need some adult interaction too. I have to admit, it will be nice to not have to watch Super Readers and Caillou every morning. No pictures this time. If you want to see pictures, look at them on facebook =) I’ll try to keep this thing updated. try.

On another note, please keep one of my dearest friends in your prayers. She’s going through a tough time right now. She’s probably the strongest person I know, but I know prayers will make her even stronger!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy New Year!

So I just had this whole year-in-review blog written and my stupid computer decided to just turn off. I may or may not have shouted at it and left Ave wondering what was wrong with her momma. I don’t feel like rewriting it. In short, I felt like 2009 went by way too fast! It was over-all a good year. I quit work in April and have been home with Ave. There are pluses and minuses to that, although the pluses greatly outweigh the minuses.  We flew out to San Francisco in June and vacationed it back home, it was a fun trip. Spent a lot of time at the lake during the summer and hope to spend even more time this summer. We made a few trips to Texas for weddings, reunion, and holidays.  Christmas was great this year. Ave only wanted two things from Santa, an Ariel doll and a kitty. Santa left two kitties! (and umm, don’t really know where they are right now, haven’t seen them today and it’s 3:00…. she hasn’t noticed yet, so I’m hoping they show up pretty soon) She was really creative with their names. The girl kitty is Daisy May. Funny, Granny and PaPaw have a kitty named Daisy May. The boy one is Fubby. I have no clue where she came up with that one. This past week two new “people” have joined our lives, Siggy and Olivia. Siggy is Ave’s boyfriend and Olivia started out as Siggy’s sister, but is now Ave’s sister. They’ve been hanging out pretty much every day and even sleep on the couch. Good thing they’re imaginary. And I also have no clue where she came up with those names, we know NO ONE with those names!  It really does amaze me how “real” they are to her.  They even played in the snow with her this morning. We had to wait on them to get their coats and boots on before we could go outside. And apparently Olivia fell when she was putting her boots on and it was hilarious! I’ll stop now and share some pictures. Hope everyone has had a great start to 2010!

My family126

Christmas morning192


Had to take a little detour to get to Fordyce. 193

Santa left her kitties at Maw and PawPaw’s house201

My sweet girls =)204

By the  looks on their faces, I think the poker was a little serious at this point256

My winnings!  (and I was trying to be artsy with my camera)278


Marley Jane sticking her tongue out314

Avery and Brennan332

Catching snow on her tongue002

She had just thrown a snowball at “olivia”003

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Merry Christmas!

I love this! Be sure to watch both of them in full screen mode. I couldn’t get the rest of them to load.
Send your own ElfYourself eCards
Send your own ElfYourself eCards

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Yeah so, I’m not a good blogger.

Now that we got that out of the way, I’ll update with what we’ve been up to the past month. Billy was home for a month and has since gone back to Houston to work. =( We miss you Daddy!) We spent three of the four weekends in Texas.  One weekend in Jasper for one of Billy’s friend’s wedding, one weekend in Arlington and Weatherford for Thanksgiving, and one weekend in Canton with Mother for shopping. So needless to say, it is nice to be home for a minute. I’ll spare details and post pictures. I do want to document a few conversations with Ave this past week.

Convo #1.  I’m sitting at my sewing desk and Ave is laying in the floor quietly. Obviously thinking hard, judging from what she asks me. Ave: “Who made me?”  Me: “What"?”  Ave: “Did you sew me?” Me: “ummm, no, mommy didn’t sew you.” Ave: “Who makes me?” Me: “God made you. He made everybody” Ave: “But I didn’t die” Me: “No, you didn’t. but God made you and gave you to me” Ave: “ Ella’s in Heaven with Granny Lou. Granny Lou eats candy allll the time!”  (she has a picture of her sitting with Granny Lou and they were eating candy. Anytime we talk about Granny Lou, she says this) End of that conversation.

Convo #2.  We’re watching tv. Ave: “Mommy what do you want for Christmas?” Me: “A million dollars”  long pause.   Ave: “Santa doesn’t have dollars. He just has toys. Do you want a toy?”   =)

Convo #3.  Really just a statement from Ave. because I didn’t reply to her. because I was wondering why she doesn’t act like a three year old sometimes. Ave: “I don’t want anything from Santa. I’m gonna be mean tomorrow.”  (for the record, she has been really nice today)

Prepare for Picture Overload.

Billy put a lift kit on his truck. I think the next step will be trading it in for a semi. =)003

This is our house all decorated with lights. lights that work no longer than four hours and then blow a fuse. they are not on tonight. 047 046This is not our house. But  I love their lights every year! If you’re in the Kirby area, go down Camp Tula road. Ave said they were Amazing!037 011038

The one picture I took in Canton. I don’t recommend staying at the Silver Spur Inn on the Mountain. and if you’ve never been to Canton, TX to shop. Go.  It’s an experience.027

Part of our little Christmas tree. I miss my big one.  (did I mention that Billy got me a new camera? I love it!)Thanksgiving 09 006Thanksgiving 09 009


Ave on Thanksgiving before the drive to Arlington. Thanksgiving 09 013

Such the little lady.Thanksgiving 09 027

Playing cards with Uncle Kevin. They look serious.Thanksgiving 09 050Thanksgiving 09 042

I think she won.Thanksgiving 09 051

Hanging out with her cousins Marlee and Chasey.Thanksgiving 09 088

Sarah and Cooper. Cutest boy ever!Thanksgiving 09 094

Makeover anyone?Thanksgiving 09 112Thanksgiving 09 110Thanksgiving 09 117

Hanging out with Aunt Julie  Thanksgiving 09 136

Hrabal grandkids. i do love having my picture made whilst in pajamas.Thanksgiving 09 194

Ave with cousins Austin and BrennanThanksgiving 09 221

Love her face in this one! With her cousin Peyton.Thanksgiving 09 413

and last but not least, one of Marley Jane in her new favorite napping spot.043

I have a ton more pictures but, I’ll spare you. Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! and hopefully I’ll post more this month =)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

14 Pictures of Avery

It was a  Beautiful day today! I had some dresses left over from the craft fair that I needed to take pictures of to list them on Etsy and Ave was in a cooperative mood, so we had a little photo shoot. The last dress is my favorite! So I guess I’ll actually keep one for her finally. =)004008